Hi I’m Kenzie

Board Certified Clinical Nutrition Specialist and NASM Certified Personal Trainer.

Born in Minnesota and raised in Arizona, where I currently reside with my husband and our dog Cooper. I’m a puzzle obsessed, baking loving, Food Network regular who has made helping people create a life that they are proud of her mission.

With a Masters Degree in Clinical Nutrition and 5 years of experience working as a health and wellness coach, my super power is helping people achieve total wellness and living a long and healthy life that they are proud of.

I specialize in making nutrition and lifestyle habits manageable and simple. I help men and women cut through the noise of what they “should” be eating and provide clarity and direction that will allow them to achieve total wellness. Let me show you how simple it can be to create a life that you are proud of!

Our Mission

It is our mission in Team BTO to help as many people as possible create the life that they are proud of. We foster a community of resilience, loyalty, and accountability while celebrating each others successes along the way. 

When you join Team BTO

you are joining a community that fosters resilience and accountability and celebrates one anothers wins on the path to creating a life that they are proud of.

That is the culture by which the Team BTO community is built on.

Creating a life that you are proud of is not easy, the path is not clear, but you cannot expect to create lifelong change if you do not take the first step. With guided direction from The Team BTO Crew you will have every tool necessary to create a life that you are proud of, including the community to support you through the entire process.

I understand that as a coach I may ask a lot of you at times. I will ask you to push yourself beyond your comfort zone, trusting me, and falling in love with the process of creating a life that you are proud of. Please know that I will never ask you to do something that I do not firmly believe will lead you to a life of total wellness. Additionally, I will never ask you to do anything that I am not willing to do myself. I will work with you and alongside you to create the life that I am proud of too.